Thursday, November 5, 2009

Stretch Mark

今日, 終於鼓起勇氣, 將絕對代表母愛既偉大同犠牲展現出黎俾大家睇, 希望你地唔好留言! It really hurts~~

aiden baby, one day when you see these pictures here, or when you see the marks on mommy's belly, I'll tell you it's "Mother's Love". daddy said mommy was stupid while mommy has cried for serveral times, he doesn't understand! I hope you will be an understanding person than your daddy. Would you?

1 comment:

  1. 無野既...好小野...一定會消失番....係一定!!!!!!!!!!!

    契仔...我地就快見面了........雖然比大叔打亂我的計劃,要勁趕搬家!!! 影響我的心情....但我都要向你說 "我好開心呀 !!! "
