Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Week 35

Today - week 35!

3 weeks later, I shall give birth to aiden. Count Down started......
HAHA~~ Guess how many pounds he weighs at birth?? Ummm..... I guess not less than 7.5 pounds......

Finally we picked the cot for aiden for our own home use, this one:

Minimoto cot in Expresso
Delivery on Saturday, and 舅舅 will have it installed, thanks 舅舅, this is the second one already!!

Last Sat, I bought aiden cute beddings too!
"Fun at Zoo" bedding set from MOTHERCARE - bumper, 2 bed sheets, fleece blanket & quilt

But the saleslady said that the blankets and the quilt can only be used after 1 year old....... I was wondering - then what should my baby use from new born until 1???? She responded: BABY SLEEPING BAG~~
OKEE!!! Auntie Mika had bought us one sleeping bag from Shanghai and now we have to buy one more using at our own home!! Well GROBAG again? Oh! Very Expensive!!!
Every baby is using the quilt, what's the problem of using it?????? Anyways, will go get one more sleeping bag soon...... cuz I'm running out of time!!!! I really want to get everything well prepared before my baby comes out! I have to try my best, cuz no one can help me out during my rest!!!!!

hospital bag - actually packed, but borrowed the bag to coworker for a business trip just now and have to re-pack again when she's back to HK next week.
Should I use a paper bag to put everything into it tonight first in case of preterm labor....... hope not but I'm really worrying about it now!!

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