Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Checkup on Oct 7 (33w1d)

Have Checkup today in hospital ~33w1d~
Aiden weighs 2.38kg (very nice progress)
Mommy weighs 65.8kg :(

Doctor Fok didn't say anything bad, but......
very weird......
when I pointed at the ultrasound picture and asked her what the bubble is? then she said it is umbilical cord but no need to take care of it now (哦係臍帶黎嫁不過而家唔駛理佢住) so what does it mean? I don't understand...... but I was dull and didn't ask her why she said so........ after all, I have been thinking if the umbilical cord encircled aiden's neck??????? (我成日捲風筒, 每次捲親我都响度諗..... 咁做係咪真係會令臍帶纏頸呢? - 我睇"我的低能大肚之道"裡面有提及過)
Only this made me worry, hope everything's fine with Aiden..... Luckily aiden is really active indeed and it calmed me!!

Next checkup is on Oct 21, it will be 35w1d, close to the C-Section date..... I think after next checkup, I'd have checkup once a week until C-Section........ Sooooooo Excited(Scared)!!

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