Wednesday, October 21, 2009

CheckUp - 35w1d

This was the 2nd last checkup before aiden comes out. The last one will be on Nov 4, it will be 37w1d and I'll have C-section on my 38w1d, as scheduled.

Aiden is growing up rapidly, and he weighs 3kg, means 6.6 lbs today............. his tummy was measured as week 38 (wow.... 3 weeks larger than normal, a bit "too much")

Victor went with me today, he was shocked when he saw aiden again (last time was 27week taking the 4D pictures), he grabbed my arm when he saw aiden on the screen at the first capture.........
after we walked out the doctor's room, we sat down and waited for making next appointment, he said to me that it's really a big difference in 2 months..... he can't believe that aiden is so big now and he can see aiden's face clearly (but I don't, indeed), I always think that it needs hugh imagination!!! Anyway, I can see from his eyes that he feels pretty touching, I was surprised about what he said, and really really don't know if he would really cry at the time he sees aiden coming out........

Conversation like this:
Victor: 個衰仔真係大個咗好多呀!
me: 吓?
Victor: 比起我上次見到佢, 個樣出晒黎, 仲幾靚仔添!
me: 吓? 你點睇到呀?
Victor: 你睇唔到咩? 頭先一開始果時我已經睇到晒佢成個輪廓!!
me: 吓? 加埋你d想像力咋? 我真係唔識睇喎!!!!
Victor: 你有冇搞錯呀???!!! 咁都睇唔到??????
me: 做咩呀你, 眼濕濕咁, 好感動呀?
Victor 尷尬
me: 咁都感動, 咁真係到生出黎果時你估你會唔會喊咗出黎?
Victor 點頭
我心諗: 我實喊到豬頭咁, 如果你又喊埋一份, 果張第一幅全家福真係不堪設想...........

可能我低能啦, 醫生話果度係眼咪係眼囉, 鼻咪鼻囉, 口咪口囉....... 但我真係睇唔出成個輪廓囉..... 你遲d再拎住d相問我, 我都驚我醒唔起邊度係邊度喎 haha.........

我懷疑佢係有少少冇諗到, 佢晚晚摸住, 同埋鬧住既衰仔, 原來已經咁大個, 而且仲响3個禮拜之後就會見面, 到時可以真正touch到, 仲可以擁抱到....... 其實真係未出發先興奮....... 3個禮拜咋..... 唔知我會由幾時開始失眠呢?????

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