Thursday, June 25, 2009

My first time

It's my first time to create my own blog..... everything I did lately is all for him, AIDEN, a new family member of IU's.
I wanna start to record all these special minutes I'm having with Aiden while he's still in my belly in my womb...... Baby maybe one day you would read this blog and would understand that mommy really loves you sooooo much!! Now Aiden you're 18 weeks & 2 days large, in the middle of my whole prenatal period.
I started to pray at nite with Aiden, I touch my belly and express my anxiety to God, as I was taught by my cousin, Sarah. Although I don't have any particular religion, I do feel this way could pretty comfort me.
Now Aiden moves slightly, well I'm not sure if this is true or I'm just too sensitive?? Is it only my imagination????

Alrite, maybe it's quite unfair if I said "everything I did lately is all for Aiden", actually AND for Aiden's Daddy, Victor, my dearest hubby who did support me during the last 4.5 months, I really appreciate that, and I feel that both of us are growing up quickly in these few months as we're now becoming Daddy and Mommy! I believe that you will be a great father and I have no fear because I am having you along the long road!

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