Friday, June 26, 2009

my back hurts

When I woke up this morning, I found my back was painful, I thought it must be sth about my sleeping gesture...... I bought a U-shape cushion last weekend and it helped me with good sleeps for the few night after...... but last night I was too tired I guess!

My belly is now 36.5" and my weight reaches 125 lbs, sometimes 123 and sometimes 124 lbs, it's about 12 lbs increase and it seems too much at this stage! I think I have to control my diet from today on, and probably will have to cancel my ice-cream time on Sunday - it's too bad!!!!!

this is my first time to disclose the ultrasound picture of Aiden~

1st ultrasound:

Date: 21-Mar-2009

2nd ultrasound:
Date: 3-Apr-2009
6w0d large embryo
CRL 6.2mm

3rd ultrasound:
CRL 3.59cm

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