Monday, June 29, 2009

don't feel like working today

Super tired today, but I just stayed home for the whole day yesterday due to the continuous rainfall..... don't know why???

Thinking about to pick a date for my delivery - headache!!

Next regular checkup + structural ultrasound checkup will be on Jul 10, it's been 4 weeks from my last regular checkup in Union Hospital and will be 12 more days to go for the next visit, it's kinda suffering from waiting, Aiden how are you?? Hope everything's fine with you and hope that we would pass the structural test successfully!! Daddy is going too, so please be cooperative!! : )

5th Ultrasound Picture


4th Ultrasound Picture

CRL 6.14cm

3rd Ultrasound Picture

CRL 3.59cm

2nd Ultrasound Picture


1st Ultrasound Picture


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rainy Sunday

It's been raining for few days, daddy planned to play tennis today however the weather's really bad..... Aiden is disappointed too!

I tried to upload Aiden's first video (I bought a DVD from the clinic at my 12th week's regular checkup and it was also an OSCAR test), however I failed to do so, really don't know why!!

Should do nothing on rainy days??? Well, should take a nap right now, what do you think Aiden BB??

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Aiden likes Khalil

Last nite while I was on my way back home, there was a car crash ahead,I sat still on the bus and was listening to Jay Chow. The bus couldn't move forward and I couldn't see what happened out there since it was raining and the windows were misty..... I changed my playlist to Khalil and soon, Aiden was dancing in me, I was shocked with the high frequency, but feel so happy, this feeling is amazing!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

my back hurts

When I woke up this morning, I found my back was painful, I thought it must be sth about my sleeping gesture...... I bought a U-shape cushion last weekend and it helped me with good sleeps for the few night after...... but last night I was too tired I guess!

My belly is now 36.5" and my weight reaches 125 lbs, sometimes 123 and sometimes 124 lbs, it's about 12 lbs increase and it seems too much at this stage! I think I have to control my diet from today on, and probably will have to cancel my ice-cream time on Sunday - it's too bad!!!!!

this is my first time to disclose the ultrasound picture of Aiden~

1st ultrasound:

Date: 21-Mar-2009

2nd ultrasound:
Date: 3-Apr-2009
6w0d large embryo
CRL 6.2mm

3rd ultrasound:
CRL 3.59cm

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My first time

It's my first time to create my own blog..... everything I did lately is all for him, AIDEN, a new family member of IU's.
I wanna start to record all these special minutes I'm having with Aiden while he's still in my belly in my womb...... Baby maybe one day you would read this blog and would understand that mommy really loves you sooooo much!! Now Aiden you're 18 weeks & 2 days large, in the middle of my whole prenatal period.
I started to pray at nite with Aiden, I touch my belly and express my anxiety to God, as I was taught by my cousin, Sarah. Although I don't have any particular religion, I do feel this way could pretty comfort me.
Now Aiden moves slightly, well I'm not sure if this is true or I'm just too sensitive?? Is it only my imagination????

Alrite, maybe it's quite unfair if I said "everything I did lately is all for Aiden", actually AND for Aiden's Daddy, Victor, my dearest hubby who did support me during the last 4.5 months, I really appreciate that, and I feel that both of us are growing up quickly in these few months as we're now becoming Daddy and Mommy! I believe that you will be a great father and I have no fear because I am having you along the long road!