Friday, July 26, 2013

It's been a long while....... from year 2010...

It’s been almost 3 years from my last post here…….

What had happened in the last 3 years????

First I changed a new job, full time mom? No way! Hope to but don’t think I could do so in a short period of time.  Luckily I met my best boss ever here in this company, really want to spend my other 10 years here if possible!!

Secondly, we moved out from Ocean View, that was really a very lovely place we had stayed for 4 years…. we then moved into a very small flat, yet it’s our own sweet home.  In deepest part of my heart, I’d rather have less room but more freedom and laughter ^^

Thirdly, daddy changed a new job too, higher salary, less working hours, healthier job. Wish him all the best!!

A very important person in my life – Aiden, our sweet boy who is 3 years 8 months and 15 days now, is a big boy now giving us a lot of surprises and laughter every single day.  Just finished K1 in St. Johannes College, a very good school providing him an all-rounded learning environment..... Daddy and I do satisfy with our current life, furthermore we want to give Aiden a younger sister (or brother), we're working hard!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Be a Full Time Mom

1 August 2010, I started my full time mom life.......... it's quite a difficult job I've ever worked, but the happiness is speechless and the moment is precious!

Since I was very busy taking care of Aiden boy, I haven't got much time to write down his growth progress here.... Now should have a brief report here:

first tooth (lower left one) popped up on Sep 1 :) ; second one (the lower right) appeared on Sep 12
During this period like these 3 months, I guess Aiden has been suffering so bad from teething, he became more than grumpy, moody, emotional and drooling so bad, wetting 3-4 bibs a day, bububu all day.... so annoying.... but mommy considers it funny hehehe

From crawl to stand:
he can crawl - backward, actually move backward by his tummy when he's upside down, not sure if it's called crawling....
he can stand for a while with things holding, he doesn't know the pain of tumble, I guess so he always drops himself as I am always behind of him and protect, should I just let him drop????? I let him fall in his playpen though.

he can say "nene" means 奶奶 when he longs for milk especially when he feels sleepy at night, a bottle of milk is very important which works for soothing him more than satisfying his virtual need.

he sometimes says "dad-zi", never say "mama" or "mami", he even says "ki-zi" means Hello Kitty =.="

he claps hands (I realized that was clapping lately, as he has been doing this for months but not opening his hands, and in last month he did more likely clapping hands)

he opens and closes hands fastly to say bye-bye...... not long ago he repeatedly doing this
(like end of July) but I think that's meaningless cuz he was doing this when he loved to do so, but now when I say bye-bye, he opens and closes his hands, so I assumed he understands :)

he knows 請請, means "thank you", he occasionally does it. Sometimes I think he understands, just doesn't want to thank me =.="

In last month, my mom discovered a tumor in her right thyroid, and did a little surgery, I said a little surgery but maybe it's not little to her, she's getting old and I understand it must be harder for her to recover, I sincerely wish she could have a good health and easier life. After 1.5 months being a full time mom, I completely understand how difficult to be and how tired could be, mom I love you. Although sometimes we have different point of view on several things, I know you've put your every effort on my son, and even on me, I do appreciate it! I'll do whatever to make it up! Aiden, please be good and be nice to porpor, she deserves our love and kindness forever, don't you understand?

Friday, July 30, 2010


BB入睡後愛轆來轆去,不一定是疾病的表現,但起碼說明BB睡不深,對此應找找原因。 入睡後愛翻滾原因:
1. 睡床不舒服:如床褥墊得不平整或太厚,而睡衣衣服過硬、過緊等,都會使BB感到不適,於是翻來轆去。
2. 白天過度興奮:B的神經系統較為脆弱,如果白天玩得高興過度或受到意外驚嚇,晚上睡覺後大腦可能不會完全平靜,從而表現出睡眠不深,有時還會伴有啼哭。
3. 臨睡前吃得過飽:父母總是擔心BB吃不飽,臨睡前還讓他吃很多東西,但睡覺時肚子是脹滿的,因而難受,所以睡後會翻來覆去。
4. 腸道寄生蟲作怪:如腸道蛔蟲、蟯蟲,經常在晚上搗亂,使得BB睡眠不安。
5. 缺鈣:BB缺鈣會睡不安穩甚至驚寢。
6. 發熱、患病:有的BB平時睡覺很好,突然出現不安,家長應提高警惕,仔細觀察小兒是否發熱或有其它異常,要把握就醫的時機。

入睡後多汗 有的BB入睡後會出汗,甚至大汗弄濕內衣,家長往往非常擔心,認為是孩子缺鈣。其實BB入睡後出汗大多屬於正常生理現象。BB新陳代謝旺盛,產熱量大,體內含水多,皮膚薄,皮膚內血管豐富,出汗有助於熱量的散發,以維持體溫的恆定。同時出汗可以排出體內尿素、脂肪酸等代謝廢物,汗液還可滋潤皮膚,保持皮膚濕潤。BB的神經系統發育不完善,當入睡後,交感神經會出現一時的興奮,導致出汗。所以,BB僅僅出汗較多,而一般情況較好,缺鈣的可能性不大。如果除出多汗外,還伴有睡眠不安、驚跳、枕部脫發等癥狀,就有缺鈣的可能,應及時就醫。

睡眠紊亂 作為生長發育高峰期的孩子,對睡眠的需求很高。這是因為睡眠與生長激素的分泌有關。人類的生長發育依賴於及垂體分泌的生長激素,生長激素只有在睡眠時的分泌量最旺盛;人體各種合成營養素,也只有在睡眠和休息時才能製造。所以,睡眠充足,孩子的生長發育就快。年齡越小,睡眠應越多。因此,家長們應對孩子的睡眠加倍重視,以免出現睡眠紊亂。睡眠紊亂,在嬰幼兒中極為常見,據統計有三成兒童在4歲前均出現過此問題。兒童睡眠障礙有如下表現:夜間頻頻醒來,睡不安穩、恐懼黑暗、磨牙、遺尿、夢游、搖動身體、搔抓皮膚、入睡困難等等。

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Aiden @ 8th month

Today is aiden boy's 8th month birthday.....

aiden weighs 9.56 kg, zero tooth, can stand with help for a minute, can sit without support for a while, can roll over and over like 365 degree, but only roll to his left side, and he doesn't roll on the floor, I guess it's too hard even I put the playmat on the ground......

Not sure if growing tooth matters, aiden is very grumpy now!!!
aiden loves smiling, aiden loves home (PorPor's home), aiden loves tv, aiden loves toy car, aiden loves music, aiden loves mommy singing :)

aiden boy, mommy wishes you healthy and happy always~~ be more brave, be good, and be gentle~~

Sunday, June 20, 2010

First Father's Day

I told Aiden that it's daddy's day as he doesn't know what is "father" yet.... haha

but aiden was not as cooperative as usual....

we went to Pacific Place, where we haven't gone for more than 2 years..... mommy prepared to do some crazy shopping..... daddy intended to buy a pair of shorts.... for his father's day gift... hoho.... unfortunately aiden has been crying since we stepped in Seibu..... too bad that we had to leave as the condition was kinda out of control....

we finally sat down in Grappers, where we used to go when we were still hanging out years ago..... the food is still good and delicious.....

The baby room in PP is very spacious, very user friendly.....

Potty Training

今日AIDEN第一次成功在Potty去poopoo..... 痾咗4大舊呀 wahaha 有相為證.....

Monday, June 14, 2010

Short Trip to Taipei with friends


呢兩日 (極其量都只係可以叫兩日) 成個人散晒, 主要係行街shopping行街shopping....
買咗1件衫俾aiden, 同埋一堆玩具, 3盒餅餅, 一套餐具....
買咗醉飽魚, 醉土雞, 醉腐乳, 豬肉乾, 牛肉乾, 鳳梨酥, 同埋茶葉.....
買咗一堆心靈書籍去慰藉自己.... 買咗少量書俾aiden, 同埋補充練習2本.....

好趕好趕, 好攰好攰.... 不過都okay, 第一晚食咗好好味串燒, 第二日食咗鼎泰豐, 唔ok任食燒烤火煱, 士林夜市既QQ魚蛋最難忘~~