Friday, July 26, 2013

It's been a long while....... from year 2010...

It’s been almost 3 years from my last post here…….

What had happened in the last 3 years????

First I changed a new job, full time mom? No way! Hope to but don’t think I could do so in a short period of time.  Luckily I met my best boss ever here in this company, really want to spend my other 10 years here if possible!!

Secondly, we moved out from Ocean View, that was really a very lovely place we had stayed for 4 years…. we then moved into a very small flat, yet it’s our own sweet home.  In deepest part of my heart, I’d rather have less room but more freedom and laughter ^^

Thirdly, daddy changed a new job too, higher salary, less working hours, healthier job. Wish him all the best!!

A very important person in my life – Aiden, our sweet boy who is 3 years 8 months and 15 days now, is a big boy now giving us a lot of surprises and laughter every single day.  Just finished K1 in St. Johannes College, a very good school providing him an all-rounded learning environment..... Daddy and I do satisfy with our current life, furthermore we want to give Aiden a younger sister (or brother), we're working hard!!