Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Be a Full Time Mom

1 August 2010, I started my full time mom life.......... it's quite a difficult job I've ever worked, but the happiness is speechless and the moment is precious!

Since I was very busy taking care of Aiden boy, I haven't got much time to write down his growth progress here.... Now should have a brief report here:

first tooth (lower left one) popped up on Sep 1 :) ; second one (the lower right) appeared on Sep 12
During this period like these 3 months, I guess Aiden has been suffering so bad from teething, he became more than grumpy, moody, emotional and drooling so bad, wetting 3-4 bibs a day, bububu all day.... so annoying.... but mommy considers it funny hehehe

From crawl to stand:
he can crawl - backward, actually move backward by his tummy when he's upside down, not sure if it's called crawling....
he can stand for a while with things holding, he doesn't know the pain of tumble, I guess so he always drops himself as I am always behind of him and protect, should I just let him drop????? I let him fall in his playpen though.

he can say "nene" means 奶奶 when he longs for milk especially when he feels sleepy at night, a bottle of milk is very important which works for soothing him more than satisfying his virtual need.

he sometimes says "dad-zi", never say "mama" or "mami", he even says "ki-zi" means Hello Kitty =.="

he claps hands (I realized that was clapping lately, as he has been doing this for months but not opening his hands, and in last month he did more likely clapping hands)

he opens and closes hands fastly to say bye-bye...... not long ago he repeatedly doing this
(like end of July) but I think that's meaningless cuz he was doing this when he loved to do so, but now when I say bye-bye, he opens and closes his hands, so I assumed he understands :)

he knows 請請, means "thank you", he occasionally does it. Sometimes I think he understands, just doesn't want to thank me =.="

In last month, my mom discovered a tumor in her right thyroid, and did a little surgery, I said a little surgery but maybe it's not little to her, she's getting old and I understand it must be harder for her to recover, I sincerely wish she could have a good health and easier life. After 1.5 months being a full time mom, I completely understand how difficult to be and how tired could be, mom I love you. Although sometimes we have different point of view on several things, I know you've put your every effort on my son, and even on me, I do appreciate it! I'll do whatever to make it up! Aiden, please be good and be nice to porpor, she deserves our love and kindness forever, don't you understand?